Pelletier Realty Group has Links and Resources for finding things to do in New Hampshire.
Events and Places
- Currier Gallery of Art, 201 Myrtle st, Manchester, NH
- League of NH Craftsmen Annual Fair,-Mt. Sunapee,Newbury NH
- The Christa McAuliffe Planetarium-3 Institution Drive, Concord, NH
- The 1819 State House-107N.Main St, Concord, NH
- Canterbury Shaker Village-288 Shaker Rd, Canterbury, NH
- New Hampshire Audobon Society-3 Silk Farm Rd, Concord, NH
- NH Division of Travel and Tourism-172 Pembroke Rd. Concord, NH
- Northeast Delta Dental Stadium - 1 Line Drive, Manchester, NH
- Hopkinton State Fair
- The Deerfield State Fair
- NH Fair Dates
Ski areas
PatâÂ?Â?s PeakâÂ?Â?Henniker
- Mount SunapeeâÂ?Â?Sunapee
- Crotched MountainâÂ?Â?Francestown
- Ragged MountainâÂ?Â?Danbury
- McIntyre Ski AreaâÂ?Â?Manchester
- Verizon Wireless Arena-Manchester
- Palace Theatre-Manchester
- Capitol Center for the Arts âÂ?Â?Concord