- Energy efficiency: build it to reduce your carbon footprint.
- Your New Home will be in top condition and typically hold its value better than an older home.
- Design the features that matter most to you. Whether you want a big back yard or short driveway you can work with a builder to not only customize the placement of your home but also the interior layout and design. These new construction features can help you not only conserve energy but also accommodate a new lifestyle.
- Easy Maintenance, let’s face it New England weather is constantly changing and building a new home in southern NH can help in cutting back on weather related maintenance giving you more time to say….. Rake the Leaves!
- This part of New Hampshire is seeing a strong interest in Geothermal as a New England Heating and Cooling solution that will, in the long run, provide huge cost savings as well as a clean energy alternative.
- Energy Star is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.
- Clustered developments preserve and protect open land (NH handbook on Open Space Development through Residential Clustering)
- Less is More…down sizing is becoming more and more appealing. Basically building less square footage combined with space saving floor plans that include luxury features is becoming a popular approach. Building less house but with more character, energy saving features and creature comforts we all deserve is the wave of the future.
If you're considering purchasing New Construction, contact our new construction specialist who can help you throughout the building process. Call 603-529-2020 or contact us today.